Dear Pilgrims. This year has been very eventful in your country there
was a great change. But amidst all the difficulties and changes in our lives we feel the presence of our dear mother of God. She is called in Banneux
the virgin of the poor. She doesn’t
require us to be rich or famous, talented or impressive. No she loves the simple and humble of heart. I hope and
pray that she may be to you. Whoever you are, a constant source of consolation
and strength, of joy and love! Never hesitate to go to her with even your simplest questions and sorrows! May, on her intercession, the
good God bless you all abundantly!
Yours sincerely, in Christ,
+ Everard de Jong
Auxiliary Bishop of Roermond.
Yours sincerely, in Christ,
+ Everard de Jong
Auxiliary Bishop of Roermond.
Roermond Jiz Ma® mt®fË‹ MᢠbrŒâ.
m‹òŸs ah¤âÇf®fns! ïªj M©L c§fŸ jhŒ eh£oš Äf¥ bgÇa kh‰w« V‰g£LŸsJ. gšntW J‹g§fŸ, kh‰w§fŸ tU«nghJ ehkidtU« naRÉ‹ jhÆ‹ clÅU¥ig cz®»‹nwh«. mªj¤ jhŒ ViHfË‹ m‹id v‹W miH¡f¥gL»wh®. e«ik âwikfnshnlh, trâfnshnlh, òfnHhnlh mt® vâ®gh®¥gâšiy. khwhf vËa cŸs¤ijí«, rhjhuz kdijínk mt® ÉU¥ò»wh®. eh« ahuhÆUªjhY« flîSila clÅU¥ò«, m‹ò«, kfœ¢áí« v‹W« e«nkhL ïU¡F«. tU¤j¤âš ïU¡F«nghJ«, gšntW nfŸÉfnshL ïU¡F«nghJ« eh« mªj m‹idia¤ njo¢bry ja§fnt©lh«. mªj m‹idÆ‹ gǪJiuahš flîŸ c§fis Ãiwthf MÓ®tâ¥ghuhf.
ïnaRÉš c§fŸ c©ikíŸs,
+ Everard de Jong,
Jiz Ma®. Roermond
m‹òŸs ah¤âÇf®fns! ïªj M©L c§fŸ jhŒ eh£oš Äf¥ bgÇa kh‰w« V‰g£LŸsJ. gšntW J‹g§fŸ, kh‰w§fŸ tU«nghJ ehkidtU« naRÉ‹ jhÆ‹ clÅU¥ig cz®»‹nwh«. mªj¤ jhŒ ViHfË‹ m‹id v‹W miH¡f¥gL»wh®. e«ik âwikfnshnlh, trâfnshnlh, òfnHhnlh mt® vâ®gh®¥gâšiy. khwhf vËa cŸs¤ijí«, rhjhuz kdijínk mt® ÉU¥ò»wh®. eh« ahuhÆUªjhY« flîSila clÅU¥ò«, m‹ò«, kfœ¢áí« v‹W« e«nkhL ïU¡F«. tU¤j¤âš ïU¡F«nghJ«, gšntW nfŸÉfnshL ïU¡F«nghJ« eh« mªj m‹idia¤ njo¢bry ja§fnt©lh«. mªj m‹idÆ‹ gǪJiuahš flîŸ c§fis Ãiwthf MÓ®tâ¥ghuhf.
ïnaRÉš c§fŸ c©ikíŸs,
+ Everard de Jong,
Jiz Ma®. Roermond