Message from His Lordship Bishop Kingsley
Bishop of Trincomalee-Batticaloa, Sri Lanka.
It is a rare privilege and a pleasure to be able to participate in the Annual pilgrimage of Our Lady of Banneaux; and a greater blessing to learn that this is the 25th Pilgrimage organized by the team for Asian Pilgrims.
Although I had been desirous of participating in the above Pilgrimage at the invitation of its organizer – co-ordinator Mr. Francis Pathmarajah only this year I was able to make it.
No doubt the Pilgrims from all corners of Europe who visit the Sacred Shrine of Our Lady of Banneaux seeking her blessing and intercession return home with a heart filled with joy and peace. Any pilgrimage is a penitential exercise and a spiritually rewarding experience.
It is also my hope and prayer that Our Lady lavishly grants her children a pledge of divine favours and blessings.
May the Mother of God increase the faith of those who seek her help and make them enjoy eternal bliss with her Son – the Risen Lord.
My prayerful wishes and blessings to all those who helped in organizing this 25th Pilgrimage and to the Pilgrims who participate in this historic and holy event.
Rt. Rev. Dr. Kingsley Swampillai
Bishop of Trincomalee-Batticaloa.
Bishop of Trincomalee-Batticaloa, Sri Lanka.
It is a rare privilege and a pleasure to be able to participate in the Annual pilgrimage of Our Lady of Banneaux; and a greater blessing to learn that this is the 25th Pilgrimage organized by the team for Asian Pilgrims.
Although I had been desirous of participating in the above Pilgrimage at the invitation of its organizer – co-ordinator Mr. Francis Pathmarajah only this year I was able to make it.
No doubt the Pilgrims from all corners of Europe who visit the Sacred Shrine of Our Lady of Banneaux seeking her blessing and intercession return home with a heart filled with joy and peace. Any pilgrimage is a penitential exercise and a spiritually rewarding experience.
It is also my hope and prayer that Our Lady lavishly grants her children a pledge of divine favours and blessings.
May the Mother of God increase the faith of those who seek her help and make them enjoy eternal bliss with her Son – the Risen Lord.
My prayerful wishes and blessings to all those who helped in organizing this 25th Pilgrimage and to the Pilgrims who participate in this historic and holy event.
Rt. Rev. Dr. Kingsley Swampillai
Bishop of Trincomalee-Batticaloa.
âUnfhzkiy - k£l¡fs¥ò kiwkht£l
Ma® mt®fË‹ MᢠbrŒâ
gDkhjhÉ‹ tUlhªj âU¥gaz¤âny g§Fg‰w »il¤j ï›tÇa rªj®¥g¤ijÆ£L bgUk»œ¢áail»‹nw‹. mJî«, kÇa‹idÆ‹ tz¡f khjkh»a ï›itfhá khjj¤âny Máa âU¥gaÂfËdhš nk‰bfhŸs¥ gL« 25tJ A+ãÈ âU¥gaz« vD«nghJ, mJ bgÇabjhU gh¡»ank!
gDkhjh âU¥gaz¤â‹ xU§»iz¥ghs® âU. ãuh‹á° g¤kuh#h mt®fŸ gyKiw v«ik miH¤âUªJ«, ï›tUlnk ïªj âU¥gaz¤âš g§Fbgw rªj®¥g« »il¤jJ.
âU¤jy§fŸ neh¡»a âU¥gaz§fbsšyh« ÉRtháfËš kdkh‰w¤ij V‰gL¤â, ïiwtÅ‹ k‹Å¥ig nt©o M‹Ûf thœÉš ts®¢áaila¢ brŒ»‹wd. mªjtifÆš Inuh¥ghÉ‹ všyh ïl§fËÈUªJ« gDkhjh âU¤jy« ehotªJ mtË‹ gǪJiuiaí« Máiaí« nt©oÉF« midtU« Ãiwthd kdk»œ¢áí« mikâí« bg‰W¤ âU«òtbu‹gJ ârank!
v« m‹id j‹id ehotU« midtU¡F« ïiw MÓiuí« Ãiwthd tu§fisí« mˤâl k‹whL»‹nw‹. ïiw m‹id j‹id eho tUnthÇ‹ ÉRthr¤ij mâfÇ¡f¢ brŒJ, j‹ kfdh»a »¿°JÉ‹ KoÉšyh¥ ngÇ‹g¤âny g§Fbgw¢ brŒthuhf!
ïªj 25tJ âU¥gaz¤âid xG§FbrŒjt®fS¡F« g§Fbfh‹l mid¤J âU¥gaÂfS¡F« vkJ brg¤njhL
Toa ešthœ¤J¡fis í« Máfisí« k»œîl‹ bjÇɤJ¡bfhŸ»‹nw‹.
nguU£âU. n#hr¥ »§°È Rth«ãŸis
âUkiy - k£Lef® kiwkht£l Ma®.
Ma® mt®fË‹ MᢠbrŒâ
gDkhjhÉ‹ tUlhªj âU¥gaz¤âny g§Fg‰w »il¤j ï›tÇa rªj®¥g¤ijÆ£L bgUk»œ¢áail»‹nw‹. mJî«, kÇa‹idÆ‹ tz¡f khjkh»a ï›itfhá khjj¤âny Máa âU¥gaÂfËdhš nk‰bfhŸs¥ gL« 25tJ A+ãÈ âU¥gaz« vD«nghJ, mJ bgÇabjhU gh¡»ank!
gDkhjh âU¥gaz¤â‹ xU§»iz¥ghs® âU. ãuh‹á° g¤kuh#h mt®fŸ gyKiw v«ik miH¤âUªJ«, ï›tUlnk ïªj âU¥gaz¤âš g§Fbgw rªj®¥g« »il¤jJ.
âU¤jy§fŸ neh¡»a âU¥gaz§fbsšyh« ÉRtháfËš kdkh‰w¤ij V‰gL¤â, ïiwtÅ‹ k‹Å¥ig nt©o M‹Ûf thœÉš ts®¢áaila¢ brŒ»‹wd. mªjtifÆš Inuh¥ghÉ‹ všyh ïl§fËÈUªJ« gDkhjh âU¤jy« ehotªJ mtË‹ gǪJiuiaí« Máiaí« nt©oÉF« midtU« Ãiwthd kdk»œ¢áí« mikâí« bg‰W¤ âU«òtbu‹gJ ârank!
v« m‹id j‹id ehotU« midtU¡F« ïiw MÓiuí« Ãiwthd tu§fisí« mˤâl k‹whL»‹nw‹. ïiw m‹id j‹id eho tUnthÇ‹ ÉRthr¤ij mâfÇ¡f¢ brŒJ, j‹ kfdh»a »¿°JÉ‹ KoÉšyh¥ ngÇ‹g¤âny g§Fbgw¢ brŒthuhf!
ïªj 25tJ âU¥gaz¤âid xG§FbrŒjt®fS¡F« g§Fbfh‹l mid¤J âU¥gaÂfS¡F« vkJ brg¤njhL
Toa ešthœ¤J¡fis í« Máfisí« k»œîl‹ bjÇɤJ¡bfhŸ»‹nw‹.
nguU£âU. n#hr¥ »§°È Rth«ãŸis
âUkiy - k£Lef® kiwkht£l Ma®.